City of Del Mar Design Review Board Agenda Del Mar Communications Center 240 Tenth Street, Del Mar, California Wednesday, August 28, 2013 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES UPDATE HEARING FROM AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA (ORAL COMMUNICATIONS) DESIGN REVIEW BOARD/STAFF DISCUSSION (Non-Application Items) DISCUSSION AND BRIEFING (Application Items) CONSENT CALENDAR ADMINISTRATIVE DESIGN REVIEW(S): ITEM 1 ADR-12-24 B APN: 300-243-14 Location: 1010 Klish Way Property Owner: Richard and Sharon Bockoff Agent: Adam Gevanthor Zone: R1-10 Zone (Low Density Residential) Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Jean Crutchfield, Associate Planner Description: A request for Design Review approval to construct a 6-foot high wood soldier pile retaining wall along the rear (north and west sides) of the residence. [Note: Prior to the meeting item continued date certain to the September DRB meeting with the applicant’s consent.] CONTINUED APPLICATION(S): ITEM 2 DRB-13-02 APN: 300-221-34 Location: 915 Camino del Mar Applicant: T-Mobile Property Owner: BMR International II Agent: DePratti Inc. Zone: Central Commercial (CC) Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner Description: A request for approval to modify/upgrade an existing Commercial Mobile Radio Antenna Facility located on a building within the Central Commercial (CC) Zone. The applicant is proposing to: replace four (4) existing façade-mounted antennas with six, 4.6-foot-tall antennas that would be mounted on the building’s roof. NEW APPLICATION(S): ITEM 3 DRB-13-14 CDP-13-03 LC-13-04 APN: 300-410-14 Location: 443 11th Street Applicant/Owner: Mark Van Oene and Dano Spooner Agent: Bokal and Sneed Architects Zone: R1-10 Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner Description: A request for Design Review, Land Conservation and Coastal Development Permits to demolish a one-story, single-family residence and construct a new one-story, single-family residence over a basement garage with associated cut and fill grading, landscaping and associated site improvements. ITEM 4 DRB-13-15 APN: 299-220-33 Location: 376 Serpentine Drive Applicant/Owner: Steve Schiff Agent: Bokal and Sneed Architects Zone: R1-10 Zone (Low Density Residential) Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Katie Benson, Assistant Planner Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to enclose 60.6 square-feet of an existing second story deck to interior floor area. ITEM 5 DRB 13-16 CDP-13-04 APN: 300-182-17 Location: 149 7th Street Applicant: Brad Termini Owner: Zephyr Custom Homes II, LLC Agent: Jim McMenamin Zone: R2 Zone (High Density Mixed Residential) Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner Description: A request for a Design Review and Coastal Development Permits to demolish two residential units and to construct two, new, detached residential units with associated landscaping and site improvements. ITEM 6 DRB-13-18 APN: 300-272-14 Location: 834 Crest Road Applicant/Owner: Ira and Rose Ann Sharp Agent: Bokal and Sneed Architects Zone: R1-10 Zone (Low Density Residential) Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Katie Benson, Assistant Planner Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to construct a new patio cover and arbor. ADJOURNMENT drb.2012_8.28. 8/15/13. DM977